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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

FDOT - Trends and Conditions Report

The 2007 "Trends and Conditions Report" was posted on the Florida Department of Transportation's (FDOT) website last week.

The report contains a few representative maps of how Florida has grown in the past six years and forecasts of where we will grow in the future. These maps include: Growth Rate by County (2000-2006), Forecast Growth Rate by County Map (2006-2030), and Population Density by County Map (2006).

Also, interesting to note that as every in-state population estimate varies from one source to another, this report actually clarifies the historic differences between FDOT's population estimates (from the Bureau of Economic & Business Research, University of Florida) and the US Census Bureau's population estimates in the Report Appendix on Page 23.

The report "was prepared jointly by the Office of Policy Planning of the Florida Department of Transportation and the Center for Urban Transportation Research at the University of South Florida. It is part of a continuing process to support the needs of decision makers, transportation professionals and the interested public."